Kimberly Toles

Kimberly Toles, MA, CDCA

Minority Health Coordinator

Kimberly Toles, MA, CDCA, serves as the program coordinator with the Toledo office on Minority Health (Funded by the Ohio Commission on Minority Health). She has also served as the Opiate program coordinator in Toledo, Ohio for three years., providing education, outreach events and working with individuals suffering from addiction. She is also a past board member for NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness). Her work included advocating, educating and providing public awareness for families affected by mental illness.

Additionally, Kimberly worked as a forensic counselor with the Lucas County Sheriff’s office for over twenty years, providing services in mental health and corrections, retiring in 2014. Kimberly continues to work effortlessly to provide education to her community on minority health disparities by participating in outreach events, and speaking on various topics such as awareness, prevention and policy changes.

Saving Lives – Changing Lives

For more information contact:
Juanita Greene
Phone: 419.255.0097